Thursday, August 8, 2013

How to get USB Block Erupters working on a USB Hub

These are destructions for getting your USB Block Erupters (Bitcoin Miners) working with a USB hub.  I'm currently running 6 block erupters on one hub with 2 more due in Friday.


Install CGminer 3.1.1 CGminer 3.1.1 According to my research, this is the newest version that will work with block erupters.  IF you try any newer version, CGminer won't even see them.


Install these drivers.  These drivers will allow your computer to "see" the block erupters.  In Windows 7/8, this will be in your "Devices and Printers" section in the control panel.  Note the COM numbers denoted by COM##, you'll need to know this later.


Plug in the miners if you haven't already done so.  You should hear the standard USB "device connected" sound.  From the research I've done, the Anker Hub seems to be the best hub to get.  It has enough power to power multiple miners.  It's pricier than most, but it will run 9 or 10 miners.


Create a new shortcut that looks like this:

C:\CGMiner\cgminer-nogpu.exe -o pool:port -u username -p password --icarus-options 115200:1:1 --icarus-timing 3.0=100 -S //./COM9 -S //./COM12  -S //./COM21 -S //./COM20 -S //./COM19 -S //./COM22

This one is for my computer's COM ports.  You'll have to plug in your own info in regards to the pool, username, password, and any additional (or less) "-S //./COMXX flags.  This shortcut is also setup for 6 miners, denoted by the 6 different COM ports.


Run your CGminer Shortcut!  Then you should see something like this:


Don't plug your hub into a USB 3.0 port. It won't work. Works fine with USB 2.0.

Only use CGminer 3.1.1.

The USB hub of choice seems to be the Anker 10 Port USB 3.0 Hub

Might not hurt to get a USB Fan.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Get CenterEdge Work Schedule into Google Calendar

CenterEdge Software has a nice feature to push work schedules to the web and in turn generate an iCal Feed.

There is a bug in Google's Calendar in which it does not like iCal feeds in https format.  (Secure HTTP)

Alas, there is a workaround!


1.  Get your iCal feed for your schedule.
2.  Shorten your iCal Link with
3.  Add "Other Calendar" by URL.
4.  Paste shortened link.
5.  Profit.


Get your iCal Feed

Log into your web account for your CenterEdge powered business.

(For Palace Pointe, goto and goto "Info and Directions."
Click "Employee Login.")

Right Click on "iCal Feed" and click "Copy Link Address"

Now that the iCal Feed is copied to your clipboard, goto to shorten your address.

Paste your iCal Feed into the box in the upper right hand corner.  The iCal Feed is REALLY long and full of random letters and numbers.
Click Shorten!  This will produce a very short, non-https address that Google Calendar will like.

Then click "COPY."  This will copy your shortened address to your clipboard for use with Google Calendar.
You can see the shortened address, versus your original iCal Feed address that is really long!

Now for the final steps.  Pull up your Google Calendar.

Click the small down arrow next to "Other Calendars"

Click "Add by URL" and the dialog box below will pop up.  Paste your shortened URL there.
Click "Add Calendar" and your work schedule will appear under "Other Calendars."

As you can see above, my work schedule is visible in Google Calendar.  My particular schedule says, "Palace Pointe Schedule" because that is where I work.  Actual schedule names may differ depending on where you are employed.

If you use another calendar such as Yahoo Calendar, you can just use the original long iCal Feed.  Yahoo doesn't seem to be persnickety about what kind of iCal Feed it is.

Now, your work schedule will automagically update on your calendar or phone (with Google Calendar) anytime there is a change.  Changes aren't always immediate.  It could take severals minutes to several hours for your calendar to update after a schedule change.